Best SEO Powersuite
Best SEO Powersuite is an All-In-One SEO Software which combines all the SEO Tools required in one application to Boost Your Web Site to the Top Ten in the search engine results pages(SERPS).
This new piece of software is the cost effective alternative to high level Internet Marketing Search Engine Optimisation(SEO) Software, which will be very effective in enabling you to save Time, Money and most of all, allow your website to achieve a Higher Search Engine Ranking with Google, Yahoo! and MSN/BING.
This is not 'just another SEO tool'. It is set apart from all other competitors because it caters for all the important areas of SEO requirements.
This edition is specifically designed to meet the needs of Website Designers/Developers who find the need to cut costs on their search engine optimisation/website packages.
Best SEO Powersuite will also be of help to the professional SEO Consultant to save time and therefore become more efficient.
Onpage SEO
My application will allow you to calculate SEO requirements for your complete website to include the Title, the Description and the Body of your web page, each covering the following processes which are all relevant to achieving top search engine results:
Keyword Frequency(count of all your duplicate keywords)
Keyword Density(the percentage of times your keyword or phrase appears on your web page compared to the total number of words on your page).
Keyword Prominence(how close your keyword is to the beginning of your page).
Keyword Proximity(where on your web page to place your duplicate keywords) and keep your web page balanced and keywords at even distances throughout the page.
The areas above will need to be followed and adhered to strictly
The word count is there to give you an accurate count of the total words in your web page.
This will keep the search engine web crawlers on your side which i am sure you will agree is crucial to achieve.
This is a great piece of software because it is tried and tested by myself and other website owners who are all very pleased with the results.
It also comes with free updates.