Unchecked cybercrime costs UK businesses up to £ 4, 000 a year. However, it isn’t just hackers that can cause businesses to lose money. Companies also damage their reputation with a data loss, that they cannot protect a customer’s data. This is why it is best for companies needs to have a data recovery plan before disaster strikes from a company offering the best External Hard Drive Data Recovery services and hold speciality into the same. Security breaches can cause not just businesses to suffer, but also affect the economy. Did you know that breaches can cause losses in the economy, totalling more than £ 27 billion in losses? It also may open the door for businesses to be sued. Did you know acts of God, such as floods, can signal disaster for businesses that do not have a disaster recovery plans? An estimated 25 percent of businesses do not reopen after a major disaster according to Institute of Business Home and Safety.